Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Naomi Wolf: Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution! - Politics on The Huffington Post

Naomi Wolf: Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution! - Politics on The Huffington Post:

"Rep. Ron Paul, the outsider Republican presidential candidate who has long upheld these values and who was an early voice warning of the grave danger to all of us of these abuses, introduced the AFA's legislative package into Congress."

"The American Freedom Agenda Act would bar the use of evidence obtained through torture; require that federal intelligence gathering is conducted in accordance with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA); create a mechanism for challenging presidential signing statements; repeal the Military Commissions Act, which, among other things, denies habeas corpus to certain detainees; prohibit kidnapping, detentions, and torture abroad; protect journalists who publish information received from the executive branch; and ensure that secret evidence is not used to designate individuals or organizations with a presence in the U.S. as foreign terrorists."

Well about time!!! This is the point where you need to make a decision - how important is your liberty, your freedom? How important are the beliefs that you hold dear, do you not see the approaching danger? This is Naomi Wolf for peats sake, not some republican lackey. The time is now; call your senator, write your newspaper, call your radio talk show - we must get this bill pushed through. We must push for Dr. Paul to be heard.


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