Live view into Ron Paul donations.
This is really some amazing and open information.
The Daily Dish:
Patrick Ruffini says:
The Daily Dish:
"This is Patrick Ruffini's map of where Ron Paul is getting his money. The strength in the Mountain West is impressive, if unsurprising. The hostility of the South to his message of individual liberty is also no big whup. Stuart Benjamin notices how evenly spread Paul's money-base is compared with many others: His campaign contributions are spread out quite evenly (he's done better in Texas than elsewhere, which is not surprising, but his Texas total is only three times his haul from the state of Washington and a bit smaller than funds from California). And his receipts come from all over."This is based off of real-time information. See what is being done at this site tracking the donations - It is amazing that we have such an inside view into this campaign. While others are so closed and full of secres (sounds like our government against us) - this is so open, it really is our government isn't it?
Patrick Ruffini says:
As if this weren’t bold enough, has taken it a step further. Using the live data feed that powers the graphic, the site publishes an impressive array of analytics including a minute-by-minute view of donations and projected totals for the month and quarter.More graph data on donations can be gathered here:
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