Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Glenn Greenwald - Salon: Ron Paul distortion and smears

Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon:
Glenn shines the light on many recent attacks on Dr. Paul and his record. He explains many of Dr. Paul's votes and how his bills were demonstrations of the correct constitutional methods, and were even opposed by Dr. Paul.
"Unlike Hillary Clinton -- the Democratic Party front-runner who, 'along with Sen. Robert Bennett, a Utah Republican, introduced a bill that would make flag burning illegal' -- Ron Paul was and is vehemently against any and all laws to criminalize flag burning, including the constitutional amendment he introduced. He introduced that amendment solely to make a point -- one he makes frequently -- that the legislation being offered to criminalize flag burning was plainly unconstitutional, and that the only legitimate way to ban flag burning was to amend the First Amendment. Indeed, he only introduced those flag-burning amendments in order to dare his colleagues who wanted to pass a law banning flag burning to do it that way -- i.e., the constitutional way. When introducing his amendments, he delivered an eloquent and impassioned speech on the floor of the House explaining why he considered anti-flag-burning measures to be 'very unnecessary and very dangerous.'"


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