Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chuck Baldwin -- Can A Christian Pray To Allah?

A Florida Baptist blogger throwing it down on how Rove and Bush conned the Christian right into victories in 2000 and 2004.

Chuck Baldwin -- Can A Christian Pray To Allah?:
"However, that believers can continue to propound the 'Christianity' of George W. Bush takes the cake. One has to hand it to Karl Rove: he thoroughly and masterfully fooled the Religious Right. And he did it with only a little assistance from Bush. A few public catch phrases; some prayer breakfasts; a few references to Jesus; some personal meetings; and a few phone calls or personal meetings with big-name evangelicals was all it took to beguile the vast majority of professing believers. Because of this, George W. Bush is now and forever known as 'our beloved Christian President.'"


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