Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ron Paul squares off with the Union Leader over foreign policy - On Politics - USATODAY.com

A great comment on lifelong apathetic voter turned Dr. Paul supporter.

Ron Paul squares off with the Union Leader over foreign policy - On Politics - USATODAY.com:

"In my 30 years of being a voter I have never been FOR a candidate, I have always voted 'for what I thought' was the lesser of two evils. I have never given money to ANY person running for anything! I never realised how ignorant I was concerning the politicians that have been lieing to me and making a mess of thic country. I have never gotten actively involved in a campaign. UNTIL NOW! I have been introduced to Ron Paul. I have researched Ron Paul for hours and hours (driving my good wife nuts). I have just purchased his book, 'A Foreign Policy Of Freedom'. I have made three different contributions to his campaign and intend to contribute more. This man is by far the most important politician to come along and make a serious bid for the Presidency in many many years! This is the kind of politician this country has been yearning for. Dr. Paul is the peoples candidate. I'm a 50 y/o US Army Vet that does not use the computer for much more than reading the news and sending email to family and friends. I was never one to write in blogs or make comments such as this on media sites. I'm not a right wing whacko, a conspiracy theorists or a gun toting militia member. I am a regular Joe that loves my country and what it is turning into for"

How many millions of Americans out there fall into this same category?

"The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me." - Abraham Lincoln

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