Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The people powering the Paul phenomenon - Politics -

One of the quotes from this article caught my eye:
The people powering the Paul phenomenon - Politics -
"“Before G.W. Bush changed the landscape, conservatives — especially Christian conservatives — mostly subscribed to Augustine’s just war theory, regarding accepted protocols for the conduct of war. Today many of my Christian friends have foolishly followed Bush’s pre-emptive war theory which before now was practiced mostly by pagan emperors.”"

This is how I've felt for a while. Pre-emptive war is so much like Hitler invading Poland.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Who will run the country after the next 9/11? - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate Magazine

Please read this - it is extremely important we act quickly to prevent a constitutional crisis.

Who will run the country after the next 9/11? - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate Magazine:
"In other words, in the weasel-speak of NSPD-51, it implies that one or more branches of the government will have to cede power to another. And since everything is to be 'coordinated by the president,' I'm guessing that the members of the Supreme Court left alive and some congressional leaders left alive (How chosen? What party balance?) will in effect have to sit around a big conference table and do a lot of 'ceding' to the executive. ...

In other words, even if you don't believe the most sinister paranoid coup theories, the document does nothing to allay one's fears that it could be used in a sinister way.

I wish I did, but I see nothing in the document to prevent even a "localized" forest fire or hurricane from giving the president the right to throw long-established constitutional government out the window, institute a number of unspecified continuity policies, and run the country with the guidance of the "National Continuity Coordinator" and with the "Continuity Policy Coordination Committee" for as long as the president sees fit.

This order has been issued by executive fiat and has not been subjected to any public examination by the other two branches, which have behaved in a supine way that suggests how they'll behave when comity time arrives and urgent decisions on the fate of the nation and perhaps the world (nuclear retaliation being what it is) need to be made immediately.

The fact that Congress has not scrutinized and challenged the potential here for an emergency-situation power grab is scandalous, unacceptable."

I've heard about these before, but this is the first time it's been well explained to me. Please contact your representatives to shed light on this issue.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Are we headed for an epic bear market? - MSN Money

Why we we need Ron Paul - stop the paper money conspiracy.
Are we headed for an epic bear market? - MSN Money:
"Das is pretty droll for a math whiz, but his message is dead serious. He thinks we're on the verge of a bear market of epic proportions.

The cause: Massive levels of debt underlying the world economy system are about to unwind in a profound and persistent way.

He's not sure if it will play out like the 13-year decline of 90% in Japan from 1990 to 2003 that followed the bursting of a credit bubble there, or like the 15-year flat spot in the U.S. market from 1960 to 1975. But either way, he foresees hard times as an optimistic era of too much liquidity, too much leverage and too much financial engineering slowly and inevitably deflates.

Like an ex-mobster turning state's witness, Das has turned his back on his old pals in the derivatives biz to warn anyone who will listen -- mostly banks and hedge funds that pay him consulting fees -- that the jig is up.

...Turning $1 into $20 The liquidity factory was self-perpetuating and seemingly unstoppable. As assets bought with borrowed money rose in value, players could borrow more money against them, and it thus seemed logical to borrow even more to increase returns. Bankers figured out how to strip money out of existing assets to do so, much as a homeowner might strip equity from his house to buy another house. These triple-borrowed assets were then in turn increasingly used as collateral for commercial paper -- the short-term borrowings of banks and corporations -- which was purchased by supposedly low-risk money market funds. According to Das' figures, up to 53% of the $2.2 trillion commercial paper in the U.S. market is now asset-backed, with about 50% of that in mortgages. When you add it all up, according to Das' research, a single dollar of 'real' capital supports $20 to $30 of loans. This spiral of borrowing on an increasingly thin base of real assets, writ large and in nearly infinite variety, ultimately created a world in which derivatives outstanding earlier this year stood at $485 trillion -- or eight times total global gross domestic product of $60 trillion."

This is really incredible.

Talk by Naomi Wolf - Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

A good look at why we need Ron Paul to save America from DLC and NeoCon Fascism.

Ron Paul Supporters Speak Out - The Brody File: David Brody Blog - CBN News

David Brody - CBN News Senior National Correspondent responds to how many emails he received after writing about Ron Paul.

My inbox has a concussion. It has been knocked unconscious by Ron Paul supporters. They are everywhere.
Ron Paul Supporters Speak Out - The Brody File: David Brody Blog - CBN News:

I love this quote from one of the emails he received:

From Natalie:
As a Christian, I believe his non-interventionist foreign policy and Christian "just war" theory is the direction this country needs to take. I would hope that Christians give Dr. Paul every consideration when deciding which candidate to vote for in the upcoming election. Dr. Paul wants freedom for Christians will have every right to celebrate their faith in the ways they see fit, local school districts will have more influence on their schools, respect for life could be restored, and following the Constitution would be a top priority.

From Kevin:
I'm a 35 year old Catholic father of three -- hardly the tinfoil hat type -- and am a dedicated supporter of Ron Paul. With the Christian Right looking so hard to find a candidate they can support, I'm amazed they seem to look past Dr. Paul. He's lockstep with us on the issues, with the possible exception of the war. And on that, people really need to listen to his rationale. He's using the same arguments against Bush's policy as we did on Clinton's ten years ago. After listening awhile, I'm now convinced he's right. That's true leadership.

Some quotes I like

'If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.' - Samuel Adams

'If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals–if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is.
Now, I can’t say that I will agree with all the things that the present group who call themselves Libertarians in the sense of a party say, because I think that like in any political movement there are shades, and there are libertarians who are almost over at the point of wanting no government at all or anarchy. I believe there are legitimate government functions. There is a legitimate need in an orderly society for some government to maintain freedom or we will have tyranny by individuals. The strongest man on the block will run the neighborhood. We have government to insure that we don’t each one of us have to carry a club to defend ourselves. But again, I stand on my statement that I think that libertarianism and conservatism are travelling the same path.' - Ronald Reagan: 1975 Reason magazine

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Live view into Ron Paul donations.

This is really some amazing and open information.

The Daily Dish:
"This is Patrick Ruffini's map of where Ron Paul is getting his money. The strength in the Mountain West is impressive, if unsurprising. The hostility of the South to his message of individual liberty is also no big whup. Stuart Benjamin notices how evenly spread Paul's money-base is compared with many others: His campaign contributions are spread out quite evenly (he's done better in Texas than elsewhere, which is not surprising, but his Texas total is only three times his haul from the state of Washington and a bit smaller than funds from California). And his receipts come from all over."
This is based off of real-time information. See what is being done at this site tracking the donations - It is amazing that we have such an inside view into this campaign. While others are so closed and full of secres (sounds like our government against us) - this is so open, it really is our government isn't it?

Patrick Ruffini says:
As if this weren’t bold enough, has taken it a step further. Using the live data feed that powers the graphic, the site publishes an impressive array of analytics including a minute-by-minute view of donations and projected totals for the month and quarter.
More graph data on donations can be gathered here:

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Ron Paul channels voters' outrage

Ron Paul channels voters' outrage:
"Adam de Angeli had always been a quintessential liberal. He marched against the Iraq war, supported anti-poverty programs and voted Democratic. Nearly everyday he hangs out at a brick storefront on Ann Arbor's Main Street. Its 20-something customers and worn-out college couches are just what you'd expect in the heart of Michigan's most liberal bastion. Then de Angeli, 26, answers his cell phone and begins extolling the virtues of libertarianism and Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul to his latest convert. This is no fad, he says. Next year, he wants to run for local government as a Paul apostle.

There's a great jumbling of the socio-political labels by which people had defined themselves for decades.

Along the center left, grassroots Democrats threaten to boot Dem leaders from office for supporting the Iraq war. And hard-core leftist groups such as are actually praising U.S. Rep. Ron Paul from Texas.

Along the center right, the shake-up is no less surprising. "Crunchy cons" -- nature-loving right-wingers -- are espousing local organic farming. Evangelical leaders once apathetic on the environment now promise to stop global warming."

Ron Paul on the Left, Ron Paul on the Right - he is gathering support from both sides.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Is Ron Paul serious? Blowback in 1979 from a 1953 coup?

This is a good video of how the CIA messing in Iran ended up with the taking of American prisoners in 1979. Ron Paul speaks the truth again.

Online NewsHour: Conversation | Paul Envisions Limited Government | October 12, 2007 | PBS

PBS NewsHour had a great interview of Ron Paul on Friday. Here is the transcript as well as an MP3 of the interview. The interview can also be found on YouTube.

Online NewsHour: Conversation | Paul Envisions Limited Government | October 12, 2007 | PBS:
"Paul Envisions Smaller Government, Less Global Intervention As part of an ongoing series of in-depth interviews with presidential candidates, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, explains his vision of limited government, decreased U.S. intervention in conflicts abroad and details his stance as an anti-war Republican."
MP3 for listening to interview:

YouTube Part 1:

YouTube Part 2:

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Manufacturers Remove Drugs for Infant Cold - New York Times

I know that with our kids, cold medicine has been a challenge, dosage is always a question, and it appears now that it doesn't even work, but just knocks them out and is very dangerous. Something to think about...

Manufacturers Remove Drugs for Infant Cold - New York Times:
"Infant cough-and-cold products were approved decades ago without adequate testing in children because experts assumed that children were simply small adults, and that drugs approved for adults must also work in children. More recent research showed that neither assumption was true. Indeed, recent studies suggest that pediatric cough and cold medicines work no better than placebos."

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

American Chronicle: GOP - Geriatric Old Party

American Chronicle: GOP - Geriatric Old Party:
"It’s usually a cycle of Republican politics that every so often a candidate comes around that excites young voters and thereby transforms the party itself. Young Wendell Wilkie and his gang of youthful bond traders, bankers and magazine publishers helped push him to the GOP nomination in 1940. In 1963, Barry Goldwater’s campaign was launched when his forces took over the Young Republican organization. In the 1980s, many young voters identified with Ronald Reagan. Now here’s Ron Paul in 2007 energizing young voters and more than just the College Republican types. ...

But more than just age, all the aforementioned candidates that rode waves of young voters to the GOP nomination, did so because they had new messages or at least those that seemed new at the time. That seemed fresh and concise compared to what the party elders were saying. Maybe Paul couldn’t beat a Hilary Clinton in a general election, but what Republican out there can? Wouldn’t it be better, if the GOP is going to go down, to go down with man of principle and character? Wouldn’t it be better to go down with a candidate that’s drawn thousands of new voters to his cause and who provide new blood into sclerotic party organizations the way Wilkie, Goldwater and Reagan did? All three of these candidates took advantage of the decrepit status of the GOP in their times and transformed them into new, invigorated parties. Why can’t Paul do the same given the similar status of today’s GOP?"
I can only see myself as a republican in this new light - a new generation and direction for the GOP.

Political Capital with John Harwood -

Allen Wastler, the Managing Editor of CNBC, cries that Ron Paul supporters are too well-organized!!! WELL ALLEN - WELCOME TO A GRASS ROOTS CAMPAIGN!!! If the other Republican Candidates had the broad dedicated support that Dr. Paul had the polls would reflect their support - but they don't, they only have name recognition because they get MILLIONS of $$ for lobby groups and flood the airwaves and mail with their names and lies.

Political Capital with John Harwood - Political Capital with John Harwood -
"So there was our after-debate poll. The numbers grew ... 7,000-plus votes after a couple of hours ... and Ron Paul was at 75%.
Some of you Ron Paul fans take issue with my decision to take the poll down. Fine. When a well-organized and committed 'few' can throw the results of a system meant to reflect the sentiments of 'the many,' I get a little worried. I'd take it down again."
Pretty soon the media will just stop polling as they don't like the results they get when they do.

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Chuck Baldwin -- Can A Christian Pray To Allah?

A Florida Baptist blogger throwing it down on how Rove and Bush conned the Christian right into victories in 2000 and 2004.

Chuck Baldwin -- Can A Christian Pray To Allah?:
"However, that believers can continue to propound the 'Christianity' of George W. Bush takes the cake. One has to hand it to Karl Rove: he thoroughly and masterfully fooled the Religious Right. And he did it with only a little assistance from Bush. A few public catch phrases; some prayer breakfasts; a few references to Jesus; some personal meetings; and a few phone calls or personal meetings with big-name evangelicals was all it took to beguile the vast majority of professing believers. Because of this, George W. Bush is now and forever known as 'our beloved Christian President.'"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Anti-War Group Releases Ad Hailing Ron Paul - Politics on The Huffington Post

Anti-War Group Releases Ad Hailing Ron Paul - Politics on The Huffington Post:
"Americans Against Escalation In Iraq, the major umbrella group organizing activism against the Iraq war, is pushing out an ad later today blasting the GOP '08 frontrunners for their claims about Iraq during yesterday's CNBC debate, and praising Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) as 'the only GOP candidate who gets it on Iraq.'"
It's about time that more anti war groups woke up and started supporting Dr. Paul. If Clinton wins we will be in Iraq long term and probably Iran as well.

My family are life long patriotic people. They consist of doctors, small business owners, tax reps and all of my family served this country. Grandfathers served in WWII, uncles in 'Nam and my father is retired Army. Every single one of them supports Dr. Paul.

Im a conservative. More importantly Im an American that believes in America and the document it was founded upon. I dont believe in either 'party'. Neither has done much to protect our liberties or our financial security. Both want more government programs, will find ways to either tax or inflate and more regulations shoved down our throats.

Clinton wont say she will pull the troops, Obama wont pull the troops, Richardson just changed his position. You want out of Iraq? ELECT RON PAUL!
As one of the commenter's says:

I feel sorry for democrats who vote for Hillary thinking she will get out of Iraq or prevent conflict with Iran.

You will be very disappointed.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ron Paul squares off with the Union Leader over foreign policy - On Politics -

A great comment on lifelong apathetic voter turned Dr. Paul supporter.

Ron Paul squares off with the Union Leader over foreign policy - On Politics -

"In my 30 years of being a voter I have never been FOR a candidate, I have always voted 'for what I thought' was the lesser of two evils. I have never given money to ANY person running for anything! I never realised how ignorant I was concerning the politicians that have been lieing to me and making a mess of thic country. I have never gotten actively involved in a campaign. UNTIL NOW! I have been introduced to Ron Paul. I have researched Ron Paul for hours and hours (driving my good wife nuts). I have just purchased his book, 'A Foreign Policy Of Freedom'. I have made three different contributions to his campaign and intend to contribute more. This man is by far the most important politician to come along and make a serious bid for the Presidency in many many years! This is the kind of politician this country has been yearning for. Dr. Paul is the peoples candidate. I'm a 50 y/o US Army Vet that does not use the computer for much more than reading the news and sending email to family and friends. I was never one to write in blogs or make comments such as this on media sites. I'm not a right wing whacko, a conspiracy theorists or a gun toting militia member. I am a regular Joe that loves my country and what it is turning into for"

How many millions of Americans out there fall into this same category?

"The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me." - Abraham Lincoln

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Chris Weigant: The Ron Paul Third-Party Scenario - Politics on The Huffington Post

There was this very interesting comment on a blog entry at huffingtonpost - how progressive democrats can't support HC.

Chris Weigant: The Ron Paul Third-Party Scenario - Politics on The Huffington Post:
"'If the DLC succeeds in foising HC on us then its either sit out the election or vote for a viable 3rd party and I certainly consider Dr. Paul more likeable and more in line with progressive views than HC ' Exactly. The DLCers are our parties Neo-CONS. They are pro 'free' trade and open borders so they are essentially AGAINST labor and the working man. They are also pro foreign interventionists as well. The DLCers need to be purged from our party just like the religious whackos and Neocons need to be from the republican party. Pelosi, Rangel, Hoyer, Emanuel and HC are a good place to start. Lets get some real progressives on the ticket and get back to supporting our base and our values. If Hillary is the best we can do - then I go third party or write in as well. Kucinich, maybe edwards or the dream ticket Gore would be my choices then, But Paul would certainly get some serious consideration"

This is very true - Neo-CONS & DLCrs are the bane of our current problems. Even Republicans are growing skeptical of the benefits of "Free Trade" - By a nearly two-to-one margin, Republican voters believe free trade is bad for the U.S. economy (Wall Street Journal).

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Monday, October 08, 2007

The current and future American Oligarchy - the sad testament to power in America

If you start counting with Bush 1 and if Hillary is elected for only 1 term we will have a generations of Americans that will know nothing but Bush / Clinton presidents - 25 years of pain. This is a sad testament to how power is brokered in America, keeping power in a small elite segment of society.

Oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) is a form of government where political power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family or military powers). The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for "few" (ὀλίγον óligon) and "rule" (ἄρχω arkho).

It's time to break the chains that hold us in this current bondage. Ron Paul 2008

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Dr. Paul responds to isolationist attacks - shows that current policy leads to true isolation!!!

Union Leader - Rep. Ron Paul: I advocate the same foreign policy the Founding Fathers would - Monday, Oct. 8, 2007
It is not we non-interventionists who are isolationsists. The real isolationists are those who impose sanctions and embargoes on countries and peoples across the globe because they disagree with the internal and foreign policies of their leaders. The real isolationists are those who choose to use force overseas to promote democracy, rather than seek change through diplomacy, engagement, and by setting a positive example.

I do not believe that ideas have an expiration date, or that their value can be gauged by their novelty. The test for new and old is that of wisdom and experience, or as the editors wrote "historical reality," which argues passionately now against the course of anti-Constitutional interventionism.

A Paul administration would see Americans engaged overseas like never before, in business and cultural activities. But a Paul administration would never attempt to export democracy or other values at the barrel of a gun, as we have seen over and over again that this is a counterproductive approach that actually leads the United States to be resented and more isolated in the world.

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Lies, lies and more lies - how the government has used FEAR to wage war on its own people

Politicians use fear to justify wars, Paul says - A Concord Monitor Article
Rep. Ron Paul believes political leaders are pumping up the threat of terrorism to accomplish political goals. Paul, the 10-term Texas congressman, told Monitor reporters and editors that concerns about the country's security have been overblown to justify needless foreign invasions and domestic surveillance programs.

"It scares the living daylights out of me that they would do that, to talk about perpetual war," he said, dismissing the contention that Islamic terrorism is a grave threat that will face the country for a generation or longer. "All that is, they have to have an enemy."

It is amazing how blind the public is to this. Dr. Paul deserves to be leading all the polls (if the American public would just WAKE UP).

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

The death of capitalism - IMF poison - bursting of the debt bubbles

CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: Perils of the debt-propelled economy
Paying down debt with new debt is a Ponzi scheme - the likelihood of its exposure is inversely proportional to its scale of operation. More and more critics are calling the Enron debacle a Ponzi scheme, in that the company filed for bankruptcy even though, for almost a decade up to a few weeks before its bankruptcy filing, many in high places were hailing Enron as the new innovative business model.

I've been worried a lot about this lately. I'm sure we've been here before - but I don't know if we will easily recover from this one, I only see our leaders digging us deeper.

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The Ron Paul Breakthrough

I love this quote from

The approach the chattering classes have taken to the Ron Paul phenomenon has been classic, rather along the lines of Gandhi's famous aphorism: first they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.

The "let's ignore him and maybe he'll go away" phase ended right after the contretemps with Giuliani over the theory of "blowback." Giuliani's verbal assault on Paul condensed the ridicule-fight-victory process into a single, signal incident. What Giuliani and his enablers in the media failed to realize is that Paul's calm, considered, and thoughtful answer resonated with many voters.

When I saw Dr. Paul in those debates - that is exactly what i was thinking - this is my guy, here is our needed change.

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