Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ron Paul profile at the Stranger - great article

Running on Angry - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

Hmm... a Paul-Kucinich ticket? Now that's an idea.
some have suggested they run together on an independent ticket, with Paul in the top slot and Kucinich as the vice presidential candidate

Dr. Paul and Kucinich both have popular support in Washington .
"You have a tremendous amount of support up in the Evergreen State," Boyapati told Paul. "And you would receive a reception that you won't forget, so please come up."
No matter what Paul says, it seems to break his way, tapping the wide current of voter frustration that crosses party lines.
"If we think that we can do what we want around the world and not incite hatred," Paul said, "then we have a problem. They don't come here to attack us because we're rich and we're free. They come here to attack us because we're over there."

This article just gives me more hope that Dr. Paul can make headway and have a good turnout at this weekends Iowa straw poll.  I made a donation today to help him with advertising before this weekend.  His stance on foreign intervention is something I can support:

he came to see it as illegal and unnecessary and uses it on the stump as an example of how foreign military interventions—which, as he always reminds, the founding fathers warned against—don't work. So it's not just the Iraq war that Paul opposes. He has been opposed to almost every American war or foreign military action since Vietnam, with the exception of the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, which he initially backed as a way of going after Osama bin Laden.

Dr. Paul now regrets his decision on Afghanistan and wishes that we'd encourage private individuals with a bounty to go after Osama, which he proposed directly after 9/11 and again this year.

Federal flood insurance has been a big issue for me for many years - Dr. Paul shares my views:
He is also against federal flood insurance because it makes people who choose not to live in flood-prone areas pay the costs for people who do (even though residents of his current district, along the Gulf of Mexico, benefit greatly from such insurance).

Some may call his constitutionalist beliefs crack-pot, but in spite of that, I'd support him because I think in many ways he is the direction the country needs to take at this point.

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