Friday, October 24, 2008

Police State Brutality and C-SPAN debate - please take the time to watch

America must see this - please forward!

Dear Friends and Family.

I fear the worst for our Sweet Land of Liberty when our nations bravest are treated this way upon their return home. When events like this happen but you don't hear about them on daily shows, radio and newspapers, we are truly in the final stages in our turn towards a Fascist state.

Iraqi war veterans face trampled by police horses at Hofstra University during this years Presidential debate after being dragged to ground by riot police:

Using horses as weapons to beat down protesters:

And for those that missed it live last night - here's the C-SPAN Presidential debate between Ralph Nader and Chuck Baldwin - even if you'd rather vote republicrat, watch it just to see what you are missing in the false, controlled republicrat debates, here is 90 minutes of real discourse, real options, real time to talk about the issues. If you are a republican or democrat, and are NOT IN A SWING STATE - I deplore you to consider voting for one of these 2 candidates- both uphold the principals of our founding fathers, respect the power of the law and truly would uphold the constitution of our grand United States.

Third Party Presidential Debate
Third Party Presidential Debate
Third Party candidates Ralph Nader (I) and Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) meet in a debate, hosted by Free and Equal. This is Mr. Nader's fourth presidential campaign. Mr. Baldwin is a radio talk show host and Baptist Minister.
Thursday : Washington, DC : 1 hr. 31 min.

Wash. Journal Question: "Do Third
Political Parties Matter?"

If we continue down this path - we will end up here - if you haven't watched it you should:

I have also cross posted this to my blog, where you can read about more of today's issues:


I quoted some comments from around the world in regard to this debate and the push towards our individual breaking point. What is your breaking point?

I'm going to go ahead and be extreme here: Not supporting Nader/Gonzales is being out of your ever-loving mind. After eight years of the Bush Administration, after twenty-eight years of a dynastic government by, for, and of the rich, how much more do people in this crumbling country need to experience to see that the Democrats are not the "good guys?" Obama is a hypocrite, McCain is just another rich Republican monster, and yet these are our "choices." Again! When will Americans be able to finally identify evil when they see it? Besides, our elections are about as fraudulent as you can get. Americans don't vote a President into office, but merely "root" for someone to win, knowing that in the end, it's really up to the powerful. Hence third party candidates not even being allowed to debate. And we call this a democracy, the "land of the free." Wake up, folks. Stop getting your news from CNN. Subscribe to national newspapers like The Progressive, Lowdown, Harper's, and a host of others. Read. Inform yourselves. Get the Big Picture.

Comment from Sweden, part 1 of 3

Ralph Nader,

I'm a US citizen living in Sweden. My life here has enabled me to see the US in a new light when I compare it to Sweden's healthcare, education, consumer protection, energy use, environmental attitudes and fairness in government.

- Healthcare: tax funded, available to all at minimal cost (max. 130 USD per person per year)
- Education (university): tax funded, available to all at minimal cost (books, some living expenses)
- Consumer protection: complies with EU standards plus its own strict measures. Large percentages of most food items are produced and sold in Sweden with organic certification.
- Energy use: many cities are soon attaining a goal of deriving 5% of their energy from wind. Geothermal heating methods are commonplace as well as solar. Car refueling stations with bio-gas, electricity and ethanol are located in all major cities and towns. Recycling rates and kitchen waste donations to city bio-gas plants are high.

Comment from Sweden, part 2 of 3

- Government: Sweden has seven official parties and they are all represented together in public debates prior to elections. Voters are not pressured into believing that only one of two parties has a chance to succeed. They are all heard and all represented in the government, according to the percentage share of the popular vote they receive. Corporate financial bias not allowed.

This all probably sounds wonderful and perhaps it only works in a small, attitude-homogenous country like Sweden. However, I believe that the US can attain, to some degree, in its own fashion, similar high-standard qualities for living. It certainly has the means to do so.

Comment from Sweden, part 3 of 3

Despite the glitz and power that still emanates from the US, it is a country which is gravely behind the living standards of other modern nations. Ignorant voters, poor government and greedy corporations have held it back. From what I have read and heard from you and your running mate, I believe that you are the only candidates who can help the US catch up with countries like Sweden.

I posted my absentee ballot yesterday. I confidently voted for you and Gonzalez. May the US open their eyes and see that you're they're only chance to reach their full potential!

Laura Kvarnstrand

We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it. --Patrick Henry

Tolli Lowell-Forker

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