Friday, November 30, 2007

David Sirota: The People Party vs. The Money Party: Here Are the Players - Politics on The Huffington Post

David Sirota: The People Party vs. The Money Party: Here Are the Players - Politics on The Huffington Post: "The fact that our nation's politics is divided not between Democrats and Republicans but between the People Party and the Money Party is obvious to anyone who looks at the political system honestly (which is to say, not most journalists or Washington political hacks). Calls for 'bipartisanship' and faux 'centrism' that has nothing to do with the actual center of American public opinion are most often moves to prevent the political debate from analyzing the People vs. Money divide that actually fuels our politics. We already have plenty of 'bipartisanship' - Republicans and a faction of Democrats who regularly join hands to screw over the vast majority of Americans."

When we elect representatives - who do they support? This is an interesting article.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Banks Gone Wild - New York Times

Banks Gone Wild - New York Times: "“What were they smoking?” asks the cover of the current issue of Fortune magazine. Underneath the headline are photos of recently deposed Wall Street titans, captioned with the staggering sums they managed to lose. ... what hasn’t happened to the men on that Fortune cover — namely, they haven’t been forced to give back any of the huge paychecks they received before the folly of their decisions became apparent. Around 25 years ago, American business — and the American political system — bought into the idea that greed is good. Executives are lavishly rewarded if the companies they run seem successful: last year the chief executives of Merrill and Citigroup were paid $48 million and $25.6 million, respectively. But if the success turns out to have been an illusion — well, they still get to keep the money. Heads they win, tails we lose."

The sad state of our nation - where individual and corporate greed go on without more than a small hiccup by the masses.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ron Paul on Face The Nation 11-11-07

Another great interview - Dr. Paul is very straightforward and quick on his feet, nice to see him on the MSM. Oh - and check out - I think he will have another big day.

Naomi Wolf: Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution! - Politics on The Huffington Post

Naomi Wolf: Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution! - Politics on The Huffington Post:

"Rep. Ron Paul, the outsider Republican presidential candidate who has long upheld these values and who was an early voice warning of the grave danger to all of us of these abuses, introduced the AFA's legislative package into Congress."

"The American Freedom Agenda Act would bar the use of evidence obtained through torture; require that federal intelligence gathering is conducted in accordance with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA); create a mechanism for challenging presidential signing statements; repeal the Military Commissions Act, which, among other things, denies habeas corpus to certain detainees; prohibit kidnapping, detentions, and torture abroad; protect journalists who publish information received from the executive branch; and ensure that secret evidence is not used to designate individuals or organizations with a presence in the U.S. as foreign terrorists."

Well about time!!! This is the point where you need to make a decision - how important is your liberty, your freedom? How important are the beliefs that you hold dear, do you not see the approaching danger? This is Naomi Wolf for peats sake, not some republican lackey. The time is now; call your senator, write your newspaper, call your radio talk show - we must get this bill pushed through. We must push for Dr. Paul to be heard.

Glenn Greenwald - Salon: Ron Paul distortion and smears

Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon:
Glenn shines the light on many recent attacks on Dr. Paul and his record. He explains many of Dr. Paul's votes and how his bills were demonstrations of the correct constitutional methods, and were even opposed by Dr. Paul.
"Unlike Hillary Clinton -- the Democratic Party front-runner who, 'along with Sen. Robert Bennett, a Utah Republican, introduced a bill that would make flag burning illegal' -- Ron Paul was and is vehemently against any and all laws to criminalize flag burning, including the constitutional amendment he introduced. He introduced that amendment solely to make a point -- one he makes frequently -- that the legislation being offered to criminalize flag burning was plainly unconstitutional, and that the only legitimate way to ban flag burning was to amend the First Amendment. Indeed, he only introduced those flag-burning amendments in order to dare his colleagues who wanted to pass a law banning flag burning to do it that way -- i.e., the constitutional way. When introducing his amendments, he delivered an eloquent and impassioned speech on the floor of the House explaining why he considered anti-flag-burning measures to be 'very unnecessary and very dangerous.'"