Friday, June 20, 2008

corporate amnesty

Glenn Greenwald - "It's bad enough watching the likes of Steny Hoyer, Rahm Emanuel and a disturbingly disoriented Nancy Pelosi eviscerate the Fourth Amendment, exempt their largest corporate contributors from the rule of law, and endorse the most radical aspects of the Bush lawbreaking regime. But it's downright pathetic to see them try to depict their behavior as some sort of bipartisan 'compromise' whereby they won meaningful concessions:

'When they saw that we were unified in sending that bill rather than falling for their scare tactics, I think it sent them a message,' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). 'So our leverage was increased because of our Democratic unity in both cases.'

Not even the media establishment and the GOP can refrain from mocking this pretense they're trying to peddle. What's amazing is that they're actually as devoid of dignity as they are integrity."

Let's look at where Steny gets his $$$:



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