Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Senator Dodd Speaks in Opposition to FISA Bill on Floor of U.S. Senate | U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Senator Dodd Speaks in Opposition to FISA Bill on Floor of U.S. Senate | U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd:
"“Trust me” government is government that asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man; that we trust him to do what’s best for us. My view of government places trust not in one person or one party, but in those values that transcend persons and parties.

Those words were not spoken by someone who took our nation’s security lightly, Mr. President. They were spoken by Ronald Reagan -- in 1980. They are every bit as true today, even if times of threat and fear blur our concept of transcendent values. Even if those who would exploit those times urge us to save our skins at any cost."

"Why are some fighting so hard for retroactive immunity? The answer, I believe, is that immunity means secrecy, and secrecy means power.

It’s no coincidence that the man who proclaimed “if the president does it, it’s not illegal”—Richard Nixon—was the same man who raised executive secrecy to an art form.

The senators of the Church Committee expressed succinctly the deep flaw in the Nixonian executive: “Abuse thrives on secrecy.” And, in the exhaustive catalogue of their report, they proved it."

Every American should read this speech. The question is today - what did you do to stop this?

Friday, June 20, 2008

corporate amnesty

Glenn Greenwald - "It's bad enough watching the likes of Steny Hoyer, Rahm Emanuel and a disturbingly disoriented Nancy Pelosi eviscerate the Fourth Amendment, exempt their largest corporate contributors from the rule of law, and endorse the most radical aspects of the Bush lawbreaking regime. But it's downright pathetic to see them try to depict their behavior as some sort of bipartisan 'compromise' whereby they won meaningful concessions:

'When they saw that we were unified in sending that bill rather than falling for their scare tactics, I think it sent them a message,' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). 'So our leverage was increased because of our Democratic unity in both cases.'

Not even the media establishment and the GOP can refrain from mocking this pretense they're trying to peddle. What's amazing is that they're actually as devoid of dignity as they are integrity."

Let's look at where Steny gets his $$$:


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Speakers announced for the Revolution March (July 12th) on Washington DC: includes Naomi Wolfe and Dr. Paul

The Fight Continues…

This is our fight. This, as we and Dr. Paul have said since the beginning, is not about a man, it is about the idea and the belief in freedom. For this to be restored, we will have to work for it. Though it is our right and the founding principal of our country, we will have to continue our efforts to keep what is ours.

The next step in continuing the revolution is here. On July 12, 2008, more than 20,000 citizens will gather in D.C. to tell the government that its reign is over. This is We The People 2.0, this is the Revolution March! Together, you and I will begin to take this country back from the hands of corrupt power.

Our goal is to organize a peaceful, non-violent march on the streets of Washington D.C. followed by a rally in support of restoring constitutional government as the founding fathers set forth. A R3VOLUTION that calls upon all Americans who believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. By involving as many volunteers and participants as we can, we intend to spread the know-how of mass mobilization and direct- action to the movement. As a peaceful law abiding movement, it is our responsibility to wisely and effectively use our constitutional right to assemble. By inviting ALL Americans, we hope to extend the R3VOLUTION to all people of all backgrounds in the hope of forming a more perfect union.

Speakers include Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Michael Scheuer, Tom Woods, Naomi Wolfe, Bob Schulz, and G. Edward Griffin, among numerous others.
At 9:30 AM, we will assemble at the northeast quadrant of the Washington Monument, and proceed to march down Constitution Avenue, toward Capitol Hill. The west side of Capitol Hill will be where everyone assembles for the rally, which will start around 11:00 AM. The speakers, musical guest, and entertainers will then proceed to give their ideas, speaking on the Constitution, the Federal Reserve, the NAU, and terrorism. The entire week preceding the march we will have seminars on lobbying your congressional office, and encourage attendee’s to visit their congressman’s office to inform them that we are here to stay. The day after, CatHerder Project will have a symposium of freedom-oriented events that will be educational and useful for all.

We recognize the restraints of time and money for travel, and are doing our best to help everyone complete this trip in the most financially acceptable way possible. Our travel coordinator has been working tirelessly to secure group rates for hotels, cheap campgrounds, and a Ronvoy through every state to the march. This can be done! Visit to find everything we have available, or contact Susan Wolfe for more information.

Be a part of something big, be a part of the revolution.


Mary-Grace Cook
Revolution March National Coordinator

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

What a great compilation of McCain quotes - the truths, the half-truths, and the outright lies... He does not deserve to be president and will not get my vote.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Notes From a Convention by Butler Shaffer

Notes From a Convention by Butler Shaffer: "It had been forty-four years since I last attended a political convention. I was part of my state’s delegation to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco, an experience that helped push me over the threshold in my abandonment of political action. But last week I found myself headed to Rochester to sit in – as an observer – on the Minnesota Republican State Convention. My Minnesota daughter and her husband have been very active Ron Paul supporters, with her husband serving as a delegate to this convention. Perhaps for the same reason that leads people to visit the site of a train-wreck, I decided to attend.
Perhaps my greatest sympathy, however, went out to a man who wasn’t even in attendance: Jesus. I am not a religious person, but I do believe a man like this deserved far better treatment than he got from this crowd. Speaker after speaker expressed his or her love and devotion to Jesus, at the same time cheering on any and every expression of pro-war sentiment. When one delegate – presumably of Ron Paul’s persuasion – made a motion to allow those who opposed the Iraq War to be heard, he was greeted with a thunderous chorus of boos. I imagined what might have transpired had Jesus been a delegate and asked to address the convention on the essence of his message: love and peace. After the boos had subsided, I suspect the sergeant-at-arms would have been instructed to go to a hardware store for a box of nails!

It was telling that I did not once hear the word 'peace' expressed at this convention.

In the course of my numerous trips around the sun, I don’t know when I have previously witnessed such a collective insistence upon dishonesty, contradiction, and unprincipled direction, all held together by empty rhetoric. A group of people lusting for nothing greater than a pro-rata share of the power they envisioned trickling down to them was pathetic. That the convention ended on an address by Karl Rove – one of the principal architects of the catastrophe with which the GOP and the Democrats have infected America – is testimony to a party in a terminal state.

Various speakers told the delegates "we must get the Republican message out!" Here is a party that professes love for Jesus and respect for life even as it insists upon present and future wars that have thus far killed more than a million innocents; that babbles its bromides about "liberty" even as it expands police powers, surveillance, imprisonment without trial, and the use of torture; that speaks of the dangers of runaway government spending while pouring billions of dollars into war machinery and the pockets of corporations supplying it; and which, at one of its own state conventions, insists upon a disparate application of rules applicable to others in order to give preferential treatment to established officials. This is the "Republican message" – as well as the Democratic one – and the young adults who throng to Ron Paul in search of a different message are evidence that, among a growing number, it is being received and rejected."

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II

The continuation of the hit man interview.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part I

This is an interesting interview.

Jesse Ventura on Larry King

How about a Paul / Ventura ticket for President?