Friday, September 22, 2006

First sheet of rock up over the insulated wall

We were very excited to hang this first piece of sheetrock on the wall.  Shawn helped me hang the rest of it.


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Insulating the Cripple Wall

After we put plywood over insulation in the cripple walls, we put a layer of R-13 insulation over the cripple wall and then another layer in the new stud wall.  The plastic is stapled to the bottom of the plywood and hangs down over the concrete wall.  You can see the 3/4" pvc pipe going to the outside faucet on the other side of the house.


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Walls framed, running plumbing and electrical

Since Tom came over in March and helped me frame the walls, now I've got lots of plumbing and hundreds of feet of electrical wire to pull.  I'm putting in the flexible conduit for the low voltage outlets so I can upgrade the wires at a future date if required.  We also put a layer of 6mil plastic between the existing concrete walls and the new stud walls.  This will direct any moisture that comes through the concrete down to the plastic drain strip that is at floor level and leads to the sump drain.


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New egress window and window well

We finally got the windows installed (after 10 months of plastic) and the wells dug out and built with landscape block.  I'm quite happy with how they turned out.  We still need to trim the windows, fix the siding and landscape around the wall; but the most important part is done.


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