Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Merry Christmas

2005 has been a good year for us. Emma has brought so much fresh joy to our lives. Sue took this photo for us at her house before our Thanksgiving dinner. Tommy and Izzy are growing up so fast. They both have very different personalities, but love to be together, but Izzy no longer takes much monkey business from her big brother before putting her foot down. We hope that this holiday season brings many good memories for you.

~Tolli Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A level basement

Installing the concrete
Originally uploaded by

Putting the stairs back up
Originally uploaded by

We had the basement floor leveled last month - it makes such a difference. I think they did a great job. As it dried there are some spider cracks, but I think that's to be expected. I've started to layout the walls now on the new flat floor. I've checked the floor for level, and I think it's within a 1/4 inch overall (maybe a 1/2 inch in one corner where there were a lot of pipe protrusions). We had to take the stairs out so they could put the contrete down. I took the opportunity to add a middle stringer and add 2x4's to each of the stringers to make it stronger.

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