6 Charts That Suggest The Unemployment Crisis Is WORSE Than It Looks
Awaken... It was BOTH parties that got us into this mess - and we let them. Those that point fingers at the other party are lost. It is decades of crony-ism, exorbitant military spending by ALL, unmanaged and misguided social programs by both parties, mis-regulation (poor and loopholed) of the largest companies while over-regulation of the mom & pop businesses & lemonade stands across our country. It will only be when the 2/3 rds of the population that do not trust their governmental leaders wake up and realize that we have a choice - a choice to choose "other". The other being Green, Workers, Constitution, Libertarian. We must pull the power from the power brokers in our state governments, in DC who work with and FOR the politically connected elite in this country. We must not listen to the media conglomerates who lie to us daily. We must reclaim our power from them - WE THE PEOPLE. Peace Out - in Liberty!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost