Saturday, May 31, 2008

Shenanigans at the State Convention in Spokane

Challenge to the Skagit county delegates

Especially watch at 4:02 on this video - watch Uke the Lessor (Luke Essor) change his mind and switch to the vote for the insiders:

We did get get one resolution passed after the McCain supporters & party insiders walked out and called for a quorum call (trying to end the convention prior to the debate of any resolutions) - luckily those left in the room (including me) won the quorum call and then brought this one resolution to the floor and approved it prior to the McCain supporters & party insiders re-entering the room. They then used other delay tactics to hold off any further discussion of any resolutions. Text follows:

Constitutional Declarations of War by the House of Representatives

WHEREAS, The People must bear the burden of fighting wars, and
WHEREAS, The House of Representatives is the voice of the people, and
WHEREAS, The Founders recognized these realities by granting the House of Representatives the power to declare war, and
WHEREAS, The House is not authorized to delegate, to others, authorities granted it, and
WHEREAS, military actions in Korea, Viet Nam and now the middle east, the House authorized the use of force by the President, in effect delegating to the executive branch the House's authority to declare war, and
WHEREAS, three generations of military personnel have served their nation without the full support of The People in those military actions, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party should support formal declarations of war passed by the House of Representatives and repudiate "authorizations to use force" or any other delegation of war powers to any other body.