Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Amazing coverage of Ron Paul on KCPQ Fox Seattle

This is a great interview from our local FOX affiliate. Great questions and an amazing amount of time given to Dr. Paul!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

CNN - 1 Minute Diebold Memory Hack

And you think that the election can't be rigged? 1 professor and 2 grad students did it in a month. I'm glad I have a paper ballot (which I photograph before I send in).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ron Paul at South Carolina debate 1-10-08

You've got to see what McCain says at 1:58 into the video - outrageous, those kinds of comments are what makes us so dangerous. I will not vote for McCain!!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


This is very funny - but it could happen couldn't it? I can imagine the meeting.

Friday, January 04, 2008

CNN hides Dr. Pauls 10% in pie chart, but shows Richardsons 2%

Matt Stooks.com - CNN keeps blowing, and blowing, and blowing…: "CNN keeps blowing, and blowing, and blowing…

CNN had two different pie charts up at the same time during the Iowa caucuses.

Here’s the pie chart they put up for the Democrats.


Notice how CNN went out of its way to squeeze Bill Richardson’s two percent piece into the pie?

Now, look at the Republican pie chart.


Notice the giant void between McCain and Huckabee on the chart? At this point, Ron Paul had 10 percent of the vote. Why isn’t he listed when Bill Richardson’s two percent makes the Democratic pie?"

I think they didn't want to include Ron Pauls name on the screen - especially showing that he was beating Rudy JulieAnnie.

This again is an example of how Big Business and the MSM are running our lives and choosing our leaders.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Canyon Park 7th Grade Concert Band - Holiday Performance

He is in his second year of band - I recently went with a trip to the Seattle Center with him for a performance. It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Predicted Ron Paul victory

European banks predicting Ron Paul victory in 2008.

Press TV: "Denmark-based Saxo Bank predicts Ron Paul presidency in 2008, saying US economy will plunge into a depression prior to the election."

The Bank predicted that Ron Paul, US congressman and Republican presidential candidate, will win the US 2008 presidential election.

Saxo Bank says the US economy will shrink by 25% and the Chinese economy will decrease by 40%. The economic downturn will come about as a result of the housing crash.

Ron Paul has been critical of the Federal Reserve and has blamed the Federal Reserve for causing the real estate bubble and crash. Paul has said that the loose monetary policy of the Fed had artificially inflated real estate prices which lead to the collapse.

Paul supports 'Sound Money' and opposes the Federal Reserve's 'Inflation Tax' and says that he wants to prevent a dollar collapse.

Saxo Bank also predicts $175 a barrel for oil and the price of grain will double. Some have predicted that oil will climb to $250 a barrel if the US attacks Iran. The bank also predicts that 30% of large building companies will go bankrupt.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ron Paul: an absolute faith in free markets and less government | csmonitor.com

Good Page 1 coverage in the CS Monitor. This is great fair coverage.

Ron Paul: an absolute faith in free markets and less government | csmonitor.com: "At the heart of Paul's worldview is a conviction that people are born free and should govern themselves – and that free markets make better decisions than governments do."